Now I get to work with Paul Rodriguez.Įsparza: It’s awesome, man. Were there any others?Įsparza: Paul Rodriguez, Eddie Murphy and George Carlin were all people I listened to growing up. Q: You mentioned some comedians that influenced you. We used to listen to Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Paul Rodriguez and I would memorize everything they said. I just didn’t know how and know where to start. I think it was after high school I realized I could do this. Q: When did you first notice that you were funny and could make it a career?Įsparza: In second grade! No, I’m just kidding. We used to go see Cantinflas at the Million Dollar Theater. I thought they were very elegant and nice. Q: What was it like coming to America? Did it meet your expectations?Įsparza: I was little when I came, but I remember noticing that the movie theaters here had a roof.
The whole movie theater was made out of cement, even the seating. When we would go to the movie theater, I remember there was no ceiling. I remember that it was so dusty that a water truck would come by at night and wet the streets. What are some of your memories from living there?Įsparza: I remember eating this fruit they don’t have in America called guamúchil, which tastes like gum.